Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Week 5 1/2

Field Trip:  We are planning a field trip in March to the Children's Theater but the deposit to hold our seats is due on September 26.  The cost is $9.

Teacher Conferences:  October 21, 22 and 23.  I will hold conferences on these days between 3:15 and 6:00. There is no schedule yet but if there is a certain time that you need let me know now.  

Book it!  This is a reading incentive program sponsored by Pizza Hut.  If your child meets the monthly reading goal he/she will be rewarded with a coupon for a FREE one topping personal pan pizza!  The goal for October is to read 320 minutes.  That's only 20 minutes four times a week for four weeks! I will be making a big deal out of this at school!

SCHOLASTIC BOOK CLUBS: I will be sending home book order forms once a month.  You are in no way obligated to order books but this is an inexpensive way to add to your child's book collection.  We also get points to spend for new books for our classroom when you do order.

Learning in the classroom (or on the playground!)
Here are a few pictures and a video of the students launching their parachutes.  Learning about air and how air is everywhere has been fun!  

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