Monday, September 16, 2013

College Week

What we're learning this week:

Reading and Writing:  Non-fiction text features
Math:  Patterns
Spelling:  Review-CVCe words with blends and digraphs
cupcake, bedtime, statewide, baseline, spike, shone, shake, smile, grape, shade, close, chose
Science:  Air
Tuesday-Thursday:  COGAT testing

This week is college week and everyday is a special day.  Today was wear  your college shirt.  Those who wore a college shirt got to be in a picture that will be on the school blog and also displayed in the school.  I will post it here once I get it downloaded. Tomorrow is wear a college hat.  

I am making a big deal to the kids to MONITOR their reading.  As they read they should be thinking and asking themselves Does this make sense?  

Here are a few pictures that I took last week during and after a word sort.  You can't tell by looking but they are sorting the words in many different first letter, by vowel sound, by digraph or blend, number of letters...whatever they come up with.  Monday's spelling homework was sorting their words.  They all know what to do with that.  They are supposed to return their words to school tomorrow but there will be nothing to turn in for Monday's homework on Friday.  

You can see that they are having fun practicing their spelling patterns.  Hope you enjoy these!

Deedee Cooper

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