Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Insect Fun!

December is here and we are busy in the second grade.  This week and last week we have been learning about living things.  In our classroom we have mealworms and are observing them as they go through their life cycle.  As your child about the stages and what kind will it finally become!  Today we found out some interesting yet gross things about mealworms.  Ha!  I think they loved it (most of them!) 

In Reading we have been learning about types of media; media that we listen to, view and/or read.  We are learning about adverbs in English and addition/subtraction with and without regrouping (carrying and borrowing) in Math.

We are having a blast in the library with the Twelve Days of Christmas activities that Mrs. Sadler has prepared for the whole school.  Yesterday the students made an advent calendar, and today they made a nutcracker ornament.  As I said in the note sent home yesterday, your child will need to bring any kind of chocolate bar and a mug by Monday.  I can't wait to see what the best librarian in the world has in store for us!

Our Christmas party will be December 21 at 10:15.  Parents are welcome to attend but keep in mind there will not be goodies for siblings or parents.  Please send $3 to cover the cost of two slices of pizza, soda, cups and plates.  If you would like your child to participate in the chapter book gift exchange, send a wrapped book that says "from _________" but does not say who it's for.  We will do some kind of a fun activity to pass out the presents.  

We need other goodies and items for our Christmas party.  A list of choices was sent home yesterday.  So far we have ice, juice boxes and fruit cups.  I will send home an updated list of needed items next week to those who have not yet made a choice.  Please send everything in the morning of the party (or earlier that week if it's non-perishable) and not when you get here.  Thanks!  Hope to see you here!

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