Friday, December 21, 2012

December 21, 2012

It was fun having so many family members at our party!  
I appreciate all of the parents, brothers and daughters (MINE!) who came and helped out at our party.  It was wild and crazy but seriously one of the calmest I've ever had. I know that was due to the fact that I had so much help!  Thank you!

I also so appreciate all of the goodie bags, chips and other food items that were sent.  We had plenty of food and more than enough to share.  I'm glad I ordered an extra pizza because one of them was burnt! Oh well, ask your child...we had so much fun we didn't even miss it!

Thanks for all of the Christmas gifts.  I wasn't able to open most of them at school but your thoughtfulness touches my heart.  There were several gifts that didn't show who they were from.  Let me know if your child doesn't get a thank you note in the mail and I will send one.  I am truly thankful for everything.

My daughter was too shy to take many pictures at the party so if you have any that you wouldn't mind me sharing on the blog, please email them to me!  Thank you!

Love, Mrs. Cooper

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