Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Welcome to 2013-2014 Second Grade!

Welcome to my blog!  I like to give updates on the fun things that we do in class.  If you browse through from last year you'll see that I take a lot of pictures.  I will not put pictures of your child on here if you don't give me the "OK."  I will never put your child's name (first or last) online anywhere at anytime so you don't have to worry about that.

You may also notice that my blog wasn't a huge success last year. I am determined to change that.   My plans are to update at least once a week. Sometimes I will tell you a secret word  and if your child comes to school and tells me the secret word, he or she will get a fuzzy.  (If you haven't heard about fuzzies, ask your child!  So much fun!)

I would also like to tell you a little bit about myself.  My name is Deidre Cooper but I go by Deedee.  My dad started calling me Deedee when I was a baby and it made my mom really mad.  Now she loves it.  HA!  I am very close to both my mom and dad.  They are divorced; however, they both live in the area.  I graduated in 1986 from BYU with a double major in Elementary Education and Early Childhood Education.  That makes me qualified to teach pre-school - 8th grade.  I think I've found my niche in the second grade though. I have taught pre-school, kindergarten and first grade in the past.  This is my fifth year in the second grade and my 12th at Galloway.  I graduated from Texas A and M Commerce in 2006 with my masters in Education.  

My husband Matt and I have been married for 27 years.  We lived in Utah then California until 1992.  Our first two children were born in California and our youngest in Dallas.  Our three daughters are 23, 21 and 19 years old.  They all went to Mesquite schools and graduated from Poteet High School. My oldest, Brienna, is now a hair stylist at North Park.   Traci is a senior and a speech pathology major at Baylor in Waco.  Keri is taking online classes from MCC (Waco) this semester and also works at Road House and American Eagle.   

My main "hobby" outside of school is animals. I have quite a few pets at home, too many if you ask even me.  We have rescued dogs, cats and guinea pigs and often are looking for a home for someone we just found.  Other than family and animals, school is my number one priority even in free time. I relax by looking on pinterest and other websites for ideas for my class.

This has gotten to be way too long so thank you if you have made it so far!  The secret word is "SCHOOL."  Your child will only know to tell me if you read this blog!

Thanks for sharing your child with me.  It's going to be a GREAT year!

Mrs. Cooper