Friday, October 19, 2012

7th week of school

Yesterday  marked the first day of the new six weeks.  Report cards will be sent home on Thursday.  You may check your child's grades anytime by going to the Galloway website and clicking on ParentConnect.  

This is a good time to start with a clean slate.  We've made a lot of progress these past six weeks, both behavioral and academic.  

School pictures were sent home last week.  Some of you have paid for the package and others have not. If you do not with to purchase the pictures sent home, please return them to school.

I am sending home holiday Scholastic book orders today.  The orders and money are due on October 27.  Let me know if any of the books are a gift to your child and I will get the books to you without their knowing.  You are never obligated to buy books from the book clubs but some of these books are as cheap as $1. It's an inexpensive way to add books to your child's library.

What we are learning this week:

Math: Patterns and Place Value
Social Studies: Government
Science: The Night Sky
English: Verbs
Spelling:  Is it c or is it k?  Words that begin with c are followed by an a, o or u.  Words that begin with k are followed by an e or an i. 
Spelling List:                                         

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