Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Children's Book Week

Another fun day!  One of our book week activities was to make a class mural depicting our favorite book.  After narrowing down the choices, we as a class chose Magic School Bus.  They liked it because you can learn science from it while being entertained.  Each student was assigned a different part to add to our mural (which was done it chalk.)  I'm loving the school bus, planets, characters such as Liz and Mrs. Fizzle, the sun and stars!  The class really came together to make one big picture instead of lots of little ones. It's amazing what they can do when they put their minds to it.

There is a contest and the winning class gets snow cones!  I love snow cones and I HOPE WE WIN! (OK, I did do my part. I wrote the lettering and drew the circle for Jupiter.  The rest of the credit belongs to the students!)

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